
Pop-Punk / Rock from Kingston Ontario



since 2017
In spite of a time that brought most of the world to a bitter crawl, Monach are fighting back at that gloom and embarking on their second chapter. They have poured their heart, soul and sweat onto stages all across Ontario, playing with bands such as Gob, Young Culture, and Arm’s Length. They are preparing for their sophomore record with a now finalized lineup of Andrew Pitre (guitar/vocals), Wryan Doyle (guitar/keys/vocals), Nick Deslandes (bass) and Curtis Nicholson (drums). The band is hungry for more; their resolve stronger than ever to bring their blend of pop-punk, emo and alternative rock to everywhere that'll have them, aiming to make friends out of rooms full of strangers by the end of their show.

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Current Lineup

Andrew Pitre
Guitar, vocals
2017 - present
Curtis Nicholson
2017 - present
Wryan Doyle
Guitar, keys, vocals
2023 - present
Nick Deslandes
Bass guitar
2023 - present

Band Articles

Kingston filmmaker raising funds for feature indie flick spotlighting local music
Still Alive in Kingston starring Bill Welychka, local pop, rock and hip-hop acts to premiere at KCFF this winter
Published by: Kingston Live
Author: Rob Howard

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