Emilie Steele l The Grad Club Live Sessions l Interview and performance by Emilie Steele

*NEW* The Grad Club Live Sessions Emilie Steele - live from lockdown presented by Team Ambrose - Royal LePage ProAlliance.

The Grad Club Live Sessions brings some of our favourite artists back to the Grad Club for a set and a conversation with Grad Club personality, Mo Horner.

Together with the producer of CFRC's Brought Back Home, Matt Muto, and filmed and edited by bartender extraordinaire Steph Nijhuis, the Grad Club is adapting our cultural space to meet the online world of 2020-21. Since The Grad Club has always been a home for artists and creatives, we've decided the best way to continue this (until we can all gather together again) is to do some filmed and produced Live Sessions.

First up, we’re featuring Grad Club favourite and local hero Emilie Steele! We talk about her most memorable shows at the club, what she’s been doing to keep busy and her favourite garden vegetable.

A huge thank you to Matt Muto, Steph Nijhuis, Mariah Horner and Emilie Steele for making this happen. If you’re a local artist, reach out to us about live sessions at [email protected].

The Grad Club Live Sessions are presented by Team Ambrose - Royal LePage ProAlliance. We're so thankful for their support so that we can ensure artists, editors, and producers are properly paid for their hard work on this project.



Bandcamp: https://emiliesteele.bandcamp.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC79e_FTa13REO5j2M2chZ1w
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emiliesteelethedeal
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/078Y2MTtRo5mcuum0FGpjL?si=WRvS5RmyRgG9fhENkn6hYA


Want to know what we're up to at The Grad Club?

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thegradclub/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GradClubQueens
Website: https://www.thegradclub.ca/

And don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any more upcoming Live Sessions!
In this Video Artist(s) Emilie Steele & The Deal Resource(s) The Grad Club
Posted: Jan. 11, 2024 via kingstonlive.ca

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