Tiny Horse ready for their First Rodeo

Kingston Live podcast episode 67:
It's been four years since Kingston's Rae Corcoran and Ciara Roberts proclaimed their musical act, Tiny Horse (@tinyhorseofficial), on the Kingston Live podcast (episode 22). In this episode, the pair return to reflect on the band's growth and early success, its uniqueness and appeal, and what it's like being a queer band seemingly beloved by a mostly straight fan base. They also share music and stories from their forthcoming full-length debut, First Rodeo, produced by Brett Emmons of The Glorious Sons and due out June 14, 2024, as well as a very exciting album release party announcement .

Johnny San
Riley Jabour

Music in this episode:
Kiss Me by Tiny Horse from the album First Rodeo

00:00:00 Episode overview
00:03:21 Reflecting on the growth and success of the band
00:06:37 Recalling the milestone moments
00:11:48 Working with Brett Emmons of The Glorious Sons
00:18:57 The yin and yang of Tiny Horse
00:26:34 Connecting with an audience
00:30:34 Song: Kiss Me by Tiny Horse
00:34:30 The music video mystery, solved
00:37:20 Tiny Horse tours the summer festival circuit
00:45:11 The Tiny Horse growth and success formula
00:47:58 The unintentionally incognito, unambiguously gay duo
00:53:21 First Rodeo album release party plans revealed
00:55:53 Episode credits

Tiny Horse https://kingstonlive.ca/tiny-horse
First Rodeo album release party https://kingstonlive.ca/show/673095/view
Ep. 22 of Kingston Live podcast feat. Tiny Horse https://kingstonlive.ca/vid/15117349/view
Kingston concerts and music festivals https://kingstonlive.ca/
Audio production by Soundwise https://kingstonlive.ca/resource/1191590/view

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In this Video Artist(s) Tiny Horse Resource(s) Kingston Live

Video Credits

Produced by: SoundWise Inc.
Posted: May. 9, 2024 via kingstonlive.ca

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