Piner branches out from Kingston roots

Fresh from their Rockin' the Square performance supporting the JUNO Award-winning Crash Test Dummies, hosts Johnny and Riley sit down with Claya Way Brackenbury and Michael Broadhead of Kingston alt-folk act, Piner. The conversation traverses the accomplishments of the band both locally and abroad; their 2023 LP, A Netherworld and related social causes; the similarities and differences between the music communities in Ontario and Nova Scotia; as well as the work of Local 518 of the Union of Professional Musicians and the Kingston Jazz Society.

Johnny San [email protected]
Riley Jabour [email protected]

Photo credit:
Virginia Meeks

00:00:25 Episode overview
00:02:33 The big show: Rockin' the Square in downtown Kingston
00:03:49 Reaching a wider, all-ages audience
00:07:43 Making live music more accessible
00:09:39 Kingston's surprising similarities to the east coast
00:13:38 Branching out as an independent act
00:17:10 An album of optimism: A Netherworld
00:23:57 Song: Floodplains by Piner
00:29:37 Michael's experience as a full-time professional musician
00:31:31 Kingston's Union of Professional Musicians, Local 518
00:35:30 The politics of music and musicians' wages
00:37:38 The mental health challenges of professional musicians
00:40:48 Risk and reward: Protecting musicians and live acts as business investments
00:45:04 The Kingston Jazz Society
00:48:22 Musicianship, artistry and activism
00:54:00 Artist vs. entertainer: Connection vs. escape
00:58:29 Episode credits

Michael Broadhead
Union of Professional Musicians, Local 518
Kingston Jazz Society
Kingston concerts and music festivals
Audio production by Soundwise

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In this Video Artist(s) Piner Resource(s) Kingston Live

Video Credits

Produced by: SoundWise Inc.
Posted: Jul. 31, 2024 via

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