How the Canadian Federation of Musicians is empowering artist-entrepreneurs

Podcast episode 72:
Whether you're a casual or career musician, or a live or recorded music consumer, you'll find this episode enlightening. Music is an industry, and being a professional musician is a trade. And, whether writing, recording or performing, musicians have rights and needs, just like other workers. Often navigating the industry on their own, many musicians experience mistreatment, poor pay and exploitation.  On this episode, we're joined by Liana White of the Canadian Federation of Musicians ( , and Kingston musician Aruna Handa, a member of Local 518 of the Union of Professional Musicians ( . Together, they dispel union misperceptions; illustrate how membership keeps music fun, safe and rewarding for musicians; and answer questions, like what kind of musicians should join a union (and when)? They also detail how the Canadian Federation of Musicians and its American counterpart ( work together to help member musicians become better businesspeople, and help them travel across international borders for work.

00:00:20 Episode overview
00:02:40 What is the Canadian Federation of Musicians?
00:05:53 Music as a trade: Why musicians need a union
00:09:19 Keeping music fun and financially rewarding
00:11:14 Equipping musicians to counter ignorance and exploitation
00:14:13 Myth busted: Union members can't play for free
00:19:16 Proud union members: The Tragically Hip
00:21:01 Collectivism: How the union represents the voice of musicians
00:23:24 What kind of musician should join the union?
00:25:13 When should a musician join the union?
00:28:41 Does joining the union kill the fun of music?
00:35:07 Clawing back control and alleviating effort
00:37:20 How the union helps Canadian musicians work in the U.S.
00:42:01 Addressing cross-border challenges for Canadian musicians
00:47:08 How the union is helping to level the playing field
00:50:25 A vision for a better future for Canadian musicians
00:54:16 Episode credits

Rob Howard

Liana White, Canadian Federation of Musicians
Aruna Handa, Union Of Professional Musicians AFM Local 518

Canadian Federation of Musicians
American Federation of Musicians
Union Of Professional Musicians AFM Local 518
Aruna & The Sirens
Recording Industry Association of America
American Association of Independent Musicians (A2IM)
Canadian Independent Musicians Association (CIMA) Canadian Independent Musicians Alliance
Folk Alliance International
Folk Music Canada
Kingston concerts and music festivals
Audio production by Soundwise

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In this Video Artist(s) Aruna Antonella Handa Resource(s) Kingston Live, Union of Professional Musicians, Local 518, Canadian Federation of Musicians

Video Credits

Produced by: SoundWise Inc.
Posted: Oct. 1, 2024 via

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