" Ministrony Soup " exhibit at The Ministry of Casual Living

Peter Allen
Brendan Bennett
Ray Chen
Ty Danylchuk
Tessa Fenger
Liam Hanna Lloyd
Cody Haight
Conlan Killeen
Jonatan Kjāllquist
Justin Moose
Leah Mousseau
Luis Enrique Oliver
Ben Raymer
Nicholas Robins
Shawn Shepherd
Bryan Skjersven
Morgana Wallace
Erik Volet

Curated by Cameron Kidd
In this Video Artist(s) Justin Moose, Cameron Kidd, Erik Volet, Morgana Wallace , Bryan Skjersven, Shawn Shepherd , Nicholas Robins, Ben Raymer, Luis Enrique Oliver, Leah Mousseau, Peter Allen, Jonatan Kjāllquist, Conlan Killeen, Cody Haight, Liam Hanna Lloyd, Tessa Fenger, Ty Danylchuk, Ray Chen, Brendan Bennett Resource(s) The Ministry of Casual Living

Video Credits

Produced by: Exhibit-v
Posted: Nov. 26, 2015 via artsvictoria.ca

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