Profile Image: Patrick Boyle

Patrick Boyle

from Victoria BC
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Patrick Boyle

Instruments: Trumpet, Guitar details
Dr. Patrick Boyle is a fearless sonic explorer driven by discovery. Curiosity is his compass. His frontiers are in performance (trumpet and guitar), improvisation, composition and education. Patrick is Associate Professor of Jazz Studies at the University of Victoria where he teaches courses in music business, theory, history, pedagogy, and performance.
Current projects include intensive work performing live music for silent film under the banner of Active-Vision; an intimate trio with pianist George McFetridge and bassist James Young; Deep in the Groove with organist Dr. Tony Genge; Carnatic explorations with Curtis Andrews; a book and online project documenting the history of jazz music in Newfoundland; an album of traditional music for trumpet; and ever-evolving collaborations with Neil Conway, The Discounts, and Mark Bragg.
An in-demand sideman, his versatility is integral to several collaborations. Select performance and recording credits include Great Big Sea, Mickey Dolenz, Mike Murley, Hey! Rosetta, Fred Penner, Phil Dwyer, Bill Frisell, Sean Drabbit, Brent Jarvis, Hans Verhoeven, Nathan Hiltz, Tom Vickery, Kelby MacNayr, the Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra, Kirk MacDo... show more

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