Petunia and the Vipers

Original Americana from Vancouver BC
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Petunia and the Vipers

since circa 2009
Louis Armstrong was once asked what his favorite kind of music was, and his response was simple; "Good music". Petunia & the Vipers' sound may not sit comfortably in one certain genre, but "Good Music" describes it well. Hank Williams on acid… Tom Waits meets Elvis at Woody Guthrie's Hobo junction… Avant-Country night club scene music… One of the best bands in the world today, of any kind… hillbilly-flavoured-swing inflected-ragtime-goodtime-thunderously rolling-one-of-a-kind-you-don’t-want-to-miss-this-sort-of-a-show… A new music that springboards off of music of the past and jumps into the present day, left with only echoes of the past… Something in between 1920's and steam punk. It's good for your mind… These are just a few of the words uttered by folks around the globe trying to pin down a description of all that is Petunia & The Vipers.
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