
from Quebec
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Petunia has been swoonin', swingin', croonin', and bringin' 'em home to bars, churches, kitchens, street corners, subway stations ... wherever the wind has taken him for the past five years. His not-so-secret fanclub grows bigger and bigger each and every week.

His 'need to sing' started early in his youth in the small French-speaking town of Ste-Dorothee (near Laval, Quebec). Yodeling quickly became his primary passion and source of inspiration.

His 'rousing organic sound' is a blend of musical styles wandering freely from country to jazz to blues to French cabaret to Mexican folk to bluegrass and what's this? Slam, he's driving us right on in to Petunialand proper. While he plays all sorts of the 'old standards' consumately, repeat fans call out for his very special originals 'by name'.

Petunia's guitar styles (a made-up world of their own) are at once humourous and spellbinding and set the stage for his dreamy vocal qualities that are sure to 'set you right'... right to your heart.

Labelized as 'mesmerizing ... stunning ... dazzling ... heart-rending ... heart-mending ... life-giving', Petunia writes fabulous hit songs that send you on wacky roller-coaster rides through yodeling serenades, wild electric love songs, haunted houses of blue, and back again with a soft lullaby.

How long will it be before this city singin', guitar slingin' country boy rolls into our town to spread his good nature and refined talents? No one can tell, we can all only hope it will be very, very soon.

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