The Maldives

Roots Rock from Seattle Washington
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The Maldives

since circa 2005
Described as having a transcendent live show by indie radio touchstone KEXP, The Maldives are more than a band, they are an institution. With a history that goes back more than half a decade (their friendships considerably longer), they’ve played every kind of gig imaginable. Their music builds on a heritage of cinematic American rock & roll that’s at turns chivalrous and fist-pumping, steeped in tradition but unbound by expectations. Singer/songwriter Jason Dodson’s words reveal characters set in a widescreen frame, scenes from real life that often portray victims of the heart and casualties to the beast that is circumstance.

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Current Lineup

Jason Dodson
guitar, vocals
Jesse Bonn
guitar, piano, vocals
Tim Gadbois
guitar, piano, vocals
Kevin Barrans
banjo, accordion, vocals
Faustine Hudson
2012 - present
Adam Bily
2012 - present

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