Alternative Rock from Vancouver BC
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since circa 2008
Quickness first forged their brand of Rock in 2008 when Jacob Dryden, Ray Garraway and David Marion met for their first Jam session in a yaletown warehouse reheasal room in Vancouver BC. Quickness features Jacob Dryden guitars and Vocals, David Marion on Bass and Ray Garraway on Drums. Fast forward 3 years, Quickness has toured all around BC, completed a number of successful Island tours, solo acoustic performances in Ontario and Quebec, Released their singles “Island Life” “Start a Fire” “Ready for a Change” and have been touring their debut album Quickness : Anthems For Your Ghettoblaster.

Each of the three members brings a wealth of experience to the band David Marion also plays bass for 2010 Grammy award winning Alex Cuba, Ray Garraway plays Drums for multiple juno award winning Toronto Hip Hop artist K-OS. Jacob Dryden has been engineering and producing bands for more than 10 ye... show more
other sites: myspace

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Current Lineup

Jacob Dryden
Vocals and Guitars
2008 - present
Ray Garraway
2008 - present
David Marion
2008 - present

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