Profile Image: THE STEADIES


dance-rock-reggae from Saskatoon Saskatchewan
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Label: PolyRhythm
since circa 2011
The band you’ve known as Mobadass is now known as The Steadies! Same great band, same wicked style, but poppa’s got a brand new name.

The Steadies take the explosively popular Top 40 sound and mix it with rocksteady and reggae influences, creating what they’ve dubbed, “island rock.” No matter your mood, The Steadies pick you up and carry you to the beach in your mind, the club in your dreams, the place you go to clear your head and dance. It’s a scene where rumbling fault lines rip open the dance floor, and the only thing that keeps you from falling over is the gravitational pull of the steady beat. The Steadies aren’t invited to the party --- they are the party.

The Steadies’ frontman Earl Pereira got his rock n’ roll pedigree as a founding member of the highly successful Canadian band Wide Mouth Mason, who had three gold records, three Juno nominations, and a host of other accolades and awards. Pereira has toured the world, playing over 3000 shows and opening for iconic artists ... show more
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Current Lineup

Earl Pereira
vocals, bass, guitar
2010 - present
guitar, vocals
2011 - present
Lexie Miller
drums, vocals
2013 - present

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