Profile Image: SweetLeaf


from Victoria BC
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since circa 2012
Formed in Victoria in 2011, SweetLeaf is Victoria’s hardest-working and hardest-partying ska band. The members of SweetLeaf are seasoned Ska & Reggae Fest veterans, this year marking their third consecutive appearance. The group began after singer-guitarist Chris Jones answered an online ad, with the band then forming in just a few months. Their reggae-rock rhythms are reminiscent of hanging out with friends at the beach, drinkin’, smokin’, and straight West Coastin’. This local super-band performs with a punchy attitude contrasting the nature of their name.

With a two-piece horn section, SweetLeaf’s collaborative ska sound also pulls in influence from funk, soul, and punk. These boys know how to command a stage and keep an audience dancing. Having just released their debut LP, Stress Leave, SweetLeaf embodies new-age Canadian ska and reggae vibe.
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Current Lineup

Hayley Miller
chris jones
2012 - present
Zack Knippel
2012 - present
Spencer Lee
2013 - present
Jayden Caramia
2020 - present
Nev Gibson
2023 - present
Simon Bailey
2023 - present

Past Members

Jason Ramalho
2012 - 2020

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