Linda Bardutz

from Saskatoon Saskatchewan
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Linda Bardutz

Instruments: Cello, Violin, Guitar, Piano/Keyboards details
Linda earned a masters degree and a prestigous performers certificate from the Indiana University where she studied with the legendary cellist Janos Starker. She completed a residence at the Banff centre in 1987 where she studied with Paul Tortellier, Zara Nelsova, Aldo Parizot and Anner Bylsma. For 15 years she was principal cello with the Saskatoon Symphony. She also has held a tenured position with the Vancouver Symphony and toured the U.S. as cello soloist with the Royal Winnipeg Ballet. In addition to her career as a symphonic musician Linda has been active as member of the Universtiy of Saskatchewan Amati Quartet-in-residence, as a knee-fiddler and guitarist in an experimental bluegrass band and is also an accomplished luther and bow maker. She has recently moved to Victoria in is busy exploring new musical territory.
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Black Pearl Quartet
2004 - The End

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