Black Pearl Quartet

Alkemykal String Quartet from Victoria BC
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Black Pearl Quartet

Black Pearl - Alkemykal String Quartet

Daniel Lapp - first violin
Cory Balzer - second violin
Kenji Fuse - viola
Linda Bardutz - cello

Talented fiddler/trumpeter/composer Daniel Lapp has put together an innovative string quartet, Black Pearl, to perform a modern masterpiece, String Quartet No. 1 "American Dreams," by Peter Schickele, as well as works by Astor Piazzolla, Darol Anger, Mark Summer, Robert Johnson, Daniel Lapp, Kenji Fuse and Tchaikovsky.

The quartet consists of Daniel Lapp on first violin, Cory Balzer from the Victoria Symphony on second violin, composer, grunge rocker and wild man of the viola, Kenji Fuse and the cellist/knee fiddler Linda Bardutz.

Peter Schickele is best known for his comedy albums featuring the satirical music of P.D.Q.Bach, yet his 'serious' music combines elements of diverse modern musical styles including folk and jazz for something truly unique and beautiful. You'll be left wondering why every string quartet doesn't include a kick-ass modern age hoedown in its repertoire, but then again, it takes eclectic musicians like those in Black Pearl to make this music come to life.
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

Daniel Lapp
First Violin
2004 - The End
Cory Balzer
Second Violin
2004 - The End
Kenji Fuse
2004 - The End
Linda Bardutz
2004 - The End

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