King Bong

funky ska & wierdness from Victoria BC
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King Bong

Label: Bottom Feeder Music
From the city that brought you Diana Krall, Nelly Furtado, Hot Hot Heat, and many others, comes a band with the new sound of the twenty first century... KingBong!
Formed in 1999 as a nine piece collective of some of western Canada’s finest Jazz, Punk, Funk, Ska. Metal, and Classical musicians the band has exploded across the musical landscape of the Canadian north.
With a 21st century sound that is funky, groovy, and gritty, members find roots in great Canadian bands of the 1970’s like Blood, Sweat and Tears, and BTO, combined with the punk and ska sounds of the 1980’s, and the politics of the new world order. KingBong busts through genre lines mixing influences and styles that have no right working together but bond on a musical level that translates into sold out shows, and a mixed fan base that would stun any industry analyst.

The band has been featured on BBC radio in England, CBC radio in Canada , CTV Television, several print and internet music publications, and in August 2004 labeled as ‘ unstoppable’ in Cannabis Culture Magazine, with distribution of 80,000 copies world wide. KingBong’s popularity is growing internationally with invitations to play in Australia, the EU... show more
Broken Up

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Past Members

Pauline Edwards "Psaje"
Backup Vocals, Violin
2002 - 2005
Kelly McCausland "K-Mac"
2004 - 2005

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