Profile Image: Clara Smallman and Sarah Zanibbi

Clara Smallman and Sarah Zanibbi

Acoustic Pop Music from Kingston Ontario
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Clara Smallman and Sarah Zanibbi

since 2021
Clara Smallman and Sarah Zanibbi are two experienced Kingston musicians. They have years of experience performing with various different bands across Kingston and have experience performing as a duo at venues such as Mackinnon Brothers Brewing, Monte’s, The Lodge Coffee House and the Homegrown Music Festival. They can be seen frequently busking downtown and their instrumentation includes vocals, guitar, and piano. Combined they have over 20 years of musical experience and both plan to pursue careers in the music industry. Clara and Sarah have a range of original material that has received incredible reviews. They perform mostly soft acoustic music but can tailor their setlist to the needs of your venue. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.
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Current Lineup

Sarah Zanibbi
Pianist, Songwriter
2021 - present
Clara Smallman
Vocalist, Guitarist, Songwriter
2021 - present

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