Profile Image: Sarah Zanibbi

Sarah Zanibbi

Folk, Pop, Rock from Kingston Ontario
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Sarah Zanibbi

Instruments: Piano/Keyboards, Bass, Guitar, Drums details
Sarah Zanibbi is an experienced musician and has been playing and performing music for over 10 years. She has covered a broad range of musical styles while studying classically with the Royal Conservatory of Music, performing as a part of several rock, pop, indie, folk and singer-songwriter bands and duos around Kingston, Ontario, writing music for herself and others, working in high school music ensembles (jazz, percussion, concert), and classrooms, and by accompanying singers, instruments, actors and more. Sarah shares her love of music with her students and helps them achieve their unique musical goals through creative and enjoyable learning as well as hands on experience. When Sarah isn't performing or teaching, she works with Musical Representatives in her community to promote youth artists and provide them with unique and beneficial experiences within the creative industry of Kingston Ontario.
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Clara Smallman and Sarah Zanibbi
Pianist, Songwriter
2021 - present

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Pianist, Promoter, Manager
2021 - 2023

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