Profile Image: The Royal City Music Project

The Royal City Music Project

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The Royal City Music Project

#106-40 Gorge Road West Victoria BC
Glenn Parfitt is a third generation Victoria native, who grew up in a musical family. In 2002 he created the Royal City Music Project and it's website as a digital platform for local musicians to showcase their musical history and accomplishments. He was joined by Ross Damude, Ken Sherwoood and in 2006, Nev Gibson of the Indivision Network. Since it's beginning, the collection has grown to include the entire province of British Columbia's bands, musicians, venues, radio stations and other musical resources from the 1800's up to and including 1999. In 2016 the Royal City Music Project received a Communication Award from the Hallmark Heritage Society. During January of 2022, the fourth version of the website was launched and is currently visited by as many as 380,000 unique visitors monthly who can view 83,000 + pages of information. Glenn currently spends his spare time supporting local music & historical organizations and has given presentations at the Royal British Columbia Museum, University of Victoria Special Collections and University Archives, the Victoria Conservatory of Music along with other history related venues and musical organizations. September 2024. Photo by Sian Lewis.
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