those hard rockin, sweat flingin, beer drinkin, dance inducin, head banging RocknRoll juggernauts KOMODO WAGON are rounding off their lower mainland mini-tour here in stAbby with special guests Full Leather Jacket and the latest powerhouse project from Randy Rampage (a founding member of D.O.A.)!!!
Randy was also a member of hardcore, punk and metal bands such as Annihilator, Stress Factor 9, Braineater and was one of the featured people in acclaimed punk rock Documentary Bloodied But Unbowed.
All 3 of these bands consist of members long rooted in the history of Vancouver and Lower Mainland punk and have been significant contributors to (in no particular order) Little Guitar Army, The Muscle Bitches, CONTRABAND, The Rothschilds, The Spitfires, The Real McKenzies and many many more ... none of these bands have ever played here so let's make em feel welcome!
$10. 19+ (ID Required)
Doors at 8:30 Bands at 9:30
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