Friends having fun: Monach tease new album with single release

Podcast episode 76:
Originally formed in 2017 as Hot Knives, exciting Kingston emo-punk act with the somewhat difficult-to-decipher moniker, Monach (pronounced maw-nuck), have emerged from the studio—with a new lineup and new single—ahead of their self-produced sophomore album due out May 23, 2025. On this episode, Andrew (guitar, vocals) and Curtis (drums) discuss their enduring friendships with bandmates, the band's growth and evolution, and share their brand new single, Thank You Chef. 

00:02:58 Riding the resurgent relevance of pop-punk
00:04:50 The evolution of Monach
00:08:31 Connecting with the Kingston community
00:11:08 Tik Tok as a promotional platform
00:13:29 A resurgent pop-punk synergy
00:15:18 Monach's message of hope and happiness
00:17:12 Song: Thank You Chef by Monach
00:21:55 Hitting the big screen in Still Aive in Kingston film
00:24:00 New album, new drummer
00:29:30 Episode credits

Episode credits

Andrew Pitre
Curtis Nicholson

Music in this episode:
Thank You Chef by Monach

Riley Jabour [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
Virginia Meeks [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

Official video: Thank You Chef by Monach
Kingston concerts and music festivals
Audio production by Soundwise

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In this Video Resource(s) Kingston Live Artist(s) Monach
Posted: Jan. 31, 2025 via

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